

Now that my little one is getting older I find myself getting nervous about him not meeting milestones. I know you are supposed to use the adjusted age, but it's hard to not compare him to what he should be doing at his actual age. At what ages did your little ones 'catch up' to their actual age in terms of development?
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Re: milestones

  • Remember that every baby, preemie or full term, does things on his or her own schedule. Try not to compare your LO with others. He will meet milestones when he's ready. My DD started catching up around 8-9 months, but for example, she didn't sit up unsupported till 8 months actual, 6 adjusted. She walked at 13.5 months. She's now 16 months and she isn't saying much, but that could also be because we speak Spanish to her and she hears English at the babysitter. Just give him time and don't stress.

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  • @KTZ17‌ thank you for your response. I try not to compare him, but it's hard not to worry when he's not doing things at his age. And it's hard now that he doesn't look that little anymore, he has 'caught up' quickly in size. Just another thing to worry about. Welcome to parenthood I guess!
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  • I stopped thinking of my kids at their actual age because it was too hard to realize what they couldn't do.  I also told people what they were at their adjusted age because of the odd looks I'd get.  I'm just starting now to think of them as their actual age as they are catching up.  I know that it's hard, but it's so helpful if you think of his birthday differently.  And as the PP said, babies develop differently to begin with whether they're a preemie or not.  I also find it helpful to remind myself that as a 10 year old, know one will every know that my twins didn't walk until 15 months.
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