High-Risk Pregnancy

Cerebellar Hypoplasia


I recently had my 20 week ultrasound and we were referred directly to a perinatal center because our baby's brain development was concerning. After a second ultrasound we were told that her cerebellum was not fully developed and only filled about half (maybe a little more) of the cavity.  We have an amniocentesis set up for this Thursday 9/18/14 to check for any other information we may be able to get. We have a healthy 2 year old and no family history of anything near this.  My emotions have been all over the place but for the most part very depressed. I am a strong Christian and believe God is the Great Physician but I would love any input anyone here my have, whether they have experienced the same thing or type of thing and how their pregnancy went, how their baby is really anything!! Our doctor told us to look up Cerebellar Hypoplasia but that doesn't give a ton of information without further diagnostic testing.

Thank you for your time!
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