September 2012 Moms

Baby's Here!

Photo: My niece bought Cal an old man cardigan. It's fantastic.

Timothy Arneson's photo.

Some of you guys saw it on IG (verdesaucy, for those who want to follow the 3 pictures I post a month. :-) ) and I did post it in the FB group, but wanted to pop on over here as well.  For some reason, I can't post on my Kindle, and on my phone it takes 10 years to load.  This was my first chance to get to the computer.

Calvin Donald was born on 8.27.14.  Went to the doc that morning, she sent me to the hospital.  Due to my blood thinners, the anesthesiologist told me I had to wait until at least 730pm to have an epidural, which holy cow, that was painful.  Got my epidural just after 830 and Cal was born at 1056pm....7lbs, 7oz with a full head of dark brown hair.  It's funny...he looks nothing like either of us, but does have Nancy's face when he cries.  Genetics are so weird!

Even with the epidural, I felt a lot of it and really did not enjoy that experience.  Thankfully it only took 3 pushes and he was out.  No tearing, no horror show like I was worried about. :-)

So far it's been going pretty well at home. 

Thank you to all of you who told me to try to BF again.  Surprisingly with him it's been going super well. We've had no issues with latching and he only lost 4oz at the hospital.  It isn't painful like it was last time and I'm hoping that things continue going so well.  

Special thanks to @kdsmith43!  We got home from the hospital yesterday and Nancy's birthday book had arrived!  She was so excited because the mailman came up to the house to give it to me and I told her it was for her.  It made her whole day.

Nancy James 9.1.12

Calvin Donald 8.27.14

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