September 2013 Moms

AW -Birthday :)

DS is one! What an amazing year it has been. He went from 6lb 11 to 5lb 5 the first week. He had jaundice and was hospitalized (weight loss and body temp regulating) when he was one week old. I nursed him every 2 hours around the clock for the first 8 weeks plus pumped each time and supplemented. I was determined, a little crazed and head over heels in love. He has had 3 surgical procedures and has had therapies since he turned 6 months. He is almost completely caught up ! :) he has crazy allergies and I've been asked to extend breastfeeding (something I had NO intentions of) and through it all he is the sweetest, smiley, friendliest and happiest baby. DH and I love him and each other more and more each day! It has been the most incredible roller coaster ride!!! Thank you all for being there for us. You all have been a very needed constant for me. Love and baby squishes for all :)image

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