May 2014 Moms

EPing Mamas?

Okay, I looked around and didn't see an EPing thread, so I thought maybe we should start one, if anyone is interested? Other boards have them and they seem to be helpful. I apologize if there is one and I missed it!
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Re: EPing Mamas?

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    1) What exactly would you like to talk about regarding EP? 
    2) That picture of your daughter is seriously adorable
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    1) What exactly would you like to talk about regarding EP? 

    2) That picture of your daughter is seriously adorable
    1. Anything and everything, really! I was creeping on other BMBs and saw several had EPing threads. I thought it would be nice of we had one too!

    My biggest question would be, for those who have EPed before, how long did you do it to be able to create a good stash? I've got about 2 months worth of feedings stored right now. I'd like to have LO be on breast milk for a year, but wasn't sure how long I would need to pump in order to achieve that.

    2. Thank you! I got lucky and was able to catch her at the right moment!
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    @CamrynnsMommy‌ congrats!! That's a huge accomplishment. I'm likely throwing in the towel at 3m.
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    I pump and FF, made it to 4 months yesterday now goung for six. I have never produced enough for her to be fed completely on breast milk this way I feel she is at least getting some breast milk each day. Just had her 4 month check up yesterday she has doubled in weight since birth and is now in 77 percentile so I guess I'm doing ok. I struggle with when to quit pumping I have already declared I was stopping like 3 times but I end up keep going, unfortunately I have never made enough to build a stash.
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    For those of you that do EP, how many oz in a day do you get? I've been back to work so pumping more and thinking of making the switch to EPing to make life more consistent for DS. On a 12 hour shift I pumped 25oz, so obviously enough to feed him for a day....

    Wondering if things would stay that way if switching to just pumping? Could I just pump the three times I did on my shift?

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    @mrsbtobe20122‌ , I would be careful with that, I pump about 15 oz a day in 4 pumping sessions, and my supply has decreased steadily as I drop pumps. I was pumping like 10 times a day and making much more but to keep sane I dropped and added formula. Point being the less you pump / feed the less your body makes.
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    @mrsbtobe20122 I've pumped since just a few days after she was born (BFing was not going well, and I was frustrated with not knowing how much she was getting). Since I didn't BF for long I don't have any experience with supply decreasing.

    I'm down to pumping 4x a day now (morning, twice at work, and right before bed) and I produce about 50 oz a day. Half I bottle fresh for LO (I keep about 6 fresh bottles in constant rotation), and the other half I freeze for later use. I've been EXTREMELY lucky with my supply and I'm so grateful that I'm able to produce enough for her to eat and enough to freeze.

    I would say now that I'm down to pumping 4x a day, I don't mind it as much. It was a PITA when I was pumping 7x a day, but it's nice that DH can feed her as well and it's not all on me. Where I stand currently, I would EP for future children as well.
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    Ooh, I have a question about milk bags! What kind do you ladies use? I use the Lansinoh bags and like them just fine, but I'm curious if there is another brand out there that works just as well but is cheaper?
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    @aimee223 I don't think you're crazy! I think it would be crazy if you absolutely hate/dread doing it. But, if you're feeling good about being able to give LO breastmilk every day for as long as possible I say keep it up! It's all about what works for you! :)
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    Yeah, I can only dream of 50oz a day. I'm pumping 7x daily for 30mins each time (thank god I have a work from home job where I can just hook up at my computer....) and I'm lucky to get 20oz total. My once decent freezer stash is dwindling rapidly since DS takes between 28 - 32oz daily. I don't know what else to do. My supply dropped so much in the past few weeks as I was dealing with mastitis. I'm starting to think it's not going to come back. :(
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    @Megan43040‌ mastitis sucks donkey balls. Maybe it's just taking a little while to come back?
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    @mrsbtobe20122‌ I pump 4-5x a day and get 38-44 oz total, I also keep 5-6 bottles in the fridge and freeze the remainder.

    @FlemDance‌ I love Up&Up bags, they're Target brand, similar to Lansinoh, but cheaper and more sturdy.

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    I pump almost enough for LO to eat on a day, I pump 4x a day and get about 28-30 ounces
    He eats about 32-36 ounces a day, so we supplememt with formula. I'm sure if I pumped 5or 6 times a day I would produce enough, but this schedule works for me since I'm home with LO by myself all day, pumping with him once a day is challenging enough if he isn't napping.
    My husband isn't the most supportive of my pumping, he has to watch Colin while I pump in the morning and evening. Then I pump once in the early afternoon while I'm alone with Colin and after he is asleep for the night.
    It's really annoying that my husband acts so put out sometimes about having to care for his own child whole I provide his food. Every once and a while he suggests I just stop pumping to save myself time, but I just can't let myself dry up, I would feel like a failure - especially since BFing already didn't work out.
    Maybe we do need a EPing check in for support. Well I guess maybe I need it!
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    @RachelCA29‌ I'm sorry that he's not being supportive! That really sucks. Maybe remind him that breastmilk is free, and the more you pump the less formula you have to buy? And, it's good for him to bond that way with LO?
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    Sorry @RachelCA29‌! I agree with Flem, anytime my H acts bothered, I remind him that we have to pay OOP for expensive dairy/soy free formula. Shuts him right up.

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    Thanks ladies! I said something like that this morning when he was complaining he couldn't take a shower until I was done pumping. I had just started so I had only 3 ounces pumped, so I just said, "well I can just stop pumping now and Colin can have 3 ounces of milk for the whole day", that quickly shut him up.
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    @RachelCA29‌ your husband sounds a lot like mine! He has suggested I just stop too. I always give him the death stare and remind him I don't do it for fun! If he'd like to give the pump a go to see how it feels I'd be happy to set it up for him.
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    I BF at home and pump at work. I pump twice a day and get about 16 oz total. I was pumping three times a day but I was freezing so much and not using any freezer stash... I just felt like I would end up with oversupply so I cut back. I'm still freezing sine here and there, I send LO to daycare with 4 bottles 4 oz each and 9 times out of 10 she only has 3 of the bottles. So with an extra bottle everyday, by Friday I freeze what I pump and come out even. Still working out the details but this seems to be working so far...

    I would definitely love a check in. I don't EP, but I have incredible respect for those of you who do.

    @FlemDance‌ I had some Lansinoh sample bags and loved them. I got a box of Medela bags because they're cheaper and have an attachment to pump straight into the bags. But they freeze weird... kind of lumpy, not as flat as the Lansinoh bags, and they don't have the double ziploc. I'm just glad I only got a box of 50, I plan on getting the Lansinoh bags again next time!

    Did you change your name? Your avatar looks familiar.

    I totally agree about the medela bags. I too bought the attachment to pump directly into, it was awkward, the bags sucked (leaks/hard to close) and they freeze weird.

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    OP- thanks for starting this discussion. I am a FTM and EP because BF was a struggle and did not work out. I have made it 3 months with a goal of 1 yr. I don't quite make enough throughout the day and have to supplement about an ounce for half of his bottles everyday. I feel that EPers fall into a weird category because when asked "do you breastfeed?", I say no because I don't technically BF. But I also don't FF. I think it's great to have support because it can be challenging some days. It is a time consuming way to feed your baby yet has such great benefits.

    I've only ever used the Lansinoh bags and they have worked well. I have some Medela that I have not tried yet.
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    I'm still pumping! I do 5x a day for 30-32 ounces. I end up freezing a few each day. Wish I could only do four sessions! When I had my D&C a few weeks ago (retained placenta) I dropped to 4 a day and very quickly lost 8 ounces each day.

    It is weird how we don't fall into either category @kellyld6926‌ .

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

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    I used to have an amazing supply - over 30 oz a day, but now it's anywhere between 20 and 30. My little guy has never been the greatest nurser, so when I was on mat leave I would breast feed, offer a pumped bottle of BM to supplement the feed, and then I would pump. Now that I'm back at work, we nurse once in the morning and then I pretty much EP the rest of the day. I'm nervous that my supply is evening out. I hope it doesn't drop anymore than it has. I'm definitely less engorged at night and my letdowns aren't as strong. I usually get 4oz at each of my 3 pumps at work and I pump once before work and once before bed as well. The up and up bags work great for me.
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    @flemdance I'm currently using honeysuckle bags I bought on amazon it was $45 for 300 bags and they are very similar to lansinoh. I hated babies r us and ameda bags. I haven't tried the up&up yet.
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    Does anyone know if you're supposed to clean your breast area before pumping, particularly when it's hot out? My classroom is brutally hot, so I've been sweating like a mo-fo. Wasn't sure if I should cleanse the area and if not doing so could cause bacteria to form?
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    FlemDance said:

    Does anyone know if tourney supposed to clean your breast area before pumping, particularly when it's hot out? My classroom is brutally hot, so I've been sweating like a mo-fo. Wasn't sure if I should cleanse the area and if not doing so could cause bacteria to form?

    Not sure about bacteria but if I am too sweaty I find that my pump horns slide off or form a weird uncomfortable suck, I just wipe myself down with a wipe and pat dry on these occasions
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