1st Trimester

Threatened MC? Please weigh in.

edited August 2014 in 1st Trimester
Sorry for some reason first post didn't paste in - scroll down to read I posted my concerns as a comment to the original!

Re: Threatened MC? Please weigh in.

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    Why isn't my thing posting what I'm writing? Darn it...
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    Okay apparently now it is... Okay let me try this again... Hey ladies,

    My name is Christina, I am 30, and I have had two previous healthy pregnancies (I have two daughters, ages 6 and 3).

    I am 6 weeks and 4 days by LMP and since 6.1 weeks have experienced cramping, with dark brown spotting beginning at 6 weeks, 2 days.

    I had HcG done on the same day the spotting began with levels at 1376, which was consistent with an initial HcG of 20 that I had done two days after my BFP (which was one day after my expected period. That would indicate a normal variable of rising every 48-72 hours from the initial (20) number, making the initial result of 1376 indicate a viable pregnancy despite the cramps and bleeding. They accompanied the HcG with an ultrasound that same day (last Thursday this happened) and found a gestational sac but no fetal pole or yolk seen, dating the pregnancy (via ultrasound) a full week EARLIER than the date I had been given by HcG estimations and LMP.

    The ER doc that gave me his "best guess" said I "should be fine" but to rest - well, we were on vacation and just arrived home yesterday, and this morning (Sunday) I woke up to more significant bleeding, this time very clotted and mixed with "new" blood, not the same thick brown discharge I had before, and cramping has increased significantly as well. HOWEVER, I had a beta HcG repeated this morning and the level had increased (just under 72 hours from the last test) to 2510 - not quite doubling but according to my midwife, still slightly positive news.

    I am STILL bleeding, and its getting worse. Still cramping and its getting worse. But my levels are still increasing according to HcG.

    I don't quite know how to "relax" like everyone is telling me to do, and considering what I feel in my body, I think I am headed for a MC - (never had one before) yet the blood-work is "reassuring" according to professionals.

    WTH do I do with all this knowledge, and though they "know" some things, nobody can tell me for sure what the outcome will be.

    Have any of you experienced this and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy? And, if not, and you wound up losing the pregnancy, is there anything you can tell me as far as what to expect?

    I have a moral dilemma because I don't want to do anything to hurt the fetus if indeed it is still viable, but the fact that I just have to wait out these symptoms is, well, devastating - because I don't know what else could be going on considering HOW BAD I FEEL.

    It is confusing and difficult, and I would appreciate any feedback I can get. Thank you!
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    How long has it been since your last ultrasound? Another ultrasound a week after the first should be able to show if baby is growing appropriately. It's entirely possible you ovulated or implanted late which is making your dates off. Best of luck!
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    I agree with previous poster..
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    Knottie79370126 I have no idea what you mean about a moral dilemma. You have to just stay as positive as possible and hope for the best while being aware that a MC is possible (yes, sooo easy to do). I have (2) experiences in this realm and yes, it stinks. But then you recover and understand that some things are not meant to be. You wait for your next appt and see what they say. If it's good news, great. If it's bad news, then you choose how you would like to proceed. I went au'natural. And you just have to wait out the morning sickness (I'm assuming that is why you feel so badly, besides the emotional).

    Good luck to you. You will be ok no matter what!
    *****Losses Mentioned*****BFP MENTIONED*****ALL WELCOME******ALL ABOARD!!

    Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
    Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
    Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.

    DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!

    Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!

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