May 2014 Moms

Hattie's Birth Story

Hattie’s Birth Story

I went for my 40 week appointment on May 29th. My cervix was too high for the doctor to even check. I was feeling so defeated! My doctor was on maternity leave after that day and we talked about induction for the next week.

I emailed my church small group and asked for prayers. The next morning I woke up with cramping and had contractions throughout the day. I thought I was losing my mucus plug too but at the hospital found out it was my water breaking (no one told me it might be pinkish).

About midnight we headed to the hospital. I was only a finger tip dilated but since my water had broken we could stay. I got my antibiotics for GBS. We really really wanted a May baby and the night nurse said she didn’t think we’d have one.

I labored and very slowly progressed. At 1:00 pm the doctor suggested some pitocin since my contractions were slowing down. I said sure, as long as I get an epidural. I was 3.5 cm, so I got one and it was wonderful for about 30 minutes.

After the epidural, the nurse headed to lunch and DH and I tried to nap. After about 30 minutes, I thought the catheter was going crazy and was getting painful. Then all of the sudden I felt the craziest pressure and thought I was peeing and pooping everywhere. I made DH get the nurse and started screaming.

She checked me and I was at 10cm and “feeling pushy”. In one hour I went from 3.5 to 10cm. They called the doctor, who was at a clinic picnic, and she got there just in time to catch and get the cord from around baby’s neck. I delivered on my left side to help baby’s heart rate in about 4 pushes. The nurse yelled at me and said I could do it! The doctor was wearing sandals since she only had time to throw on scrubs.

We had our May baby at 3:07 pm on the 31st. She was 6lb 13oz and 20 in. Named after my deceased grandma Hattie. We had the same night nurse and told her we got our May baby with plenty of time to spare. 

I now have new admiration for all mothers!

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