May 2014 Moms

Baby's temperment...normal or see doc?

I am a STM but don't feel like my son was like LO2 so in some ways I feel like I am starting all over:)

What's your baby's day/temperament like? My daughter has zero time that she is content. Her wake time is always screaming or at best very fussy and is only content if upright and bouncing/being held. She nurses well except at the end always screams and arches her back. Never has a content nursing session. She will only fall asleep via being held and bounced or worn. In her four weeks she has not had a time where she will just sit by herself or even be held content. Even when held she is not content, requires upright and bouncing or worn. She will only sleep if being held and so far won't sleep in her crib or r n p. So all day it's awake, scream or fuss, nurse, scream or fuss, fall asleep, repeat. From 6-10 it's amped up even worse.

I know all babies are different, I know the witching hour is normal. We do swaddling, wearing, white noise, all the normal soothing techniques. She has plenty of diapers and is gaining. I am second guessing if the non-content behavior and arching I should go to the doc. She never spits up so I am not sure if it's reflux, high needs baby, or just normal "fourth trimester" type of baby. Thoughts? Anyone have a similar LO? I

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Re: Baby's temperment...normal or see doc?

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    The arching could still indicate reflux. My LO had reflux but doesn't spit up. May be a combination of all those things.
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    Silent reflux maybe? I don't have any experience but it sounds like what I have heard about it.
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    chillypenguinchillypenguin member
    edited June 2014
    I am going through the same thing, DD2 is 6 weeks old. She is either eating, sleeping, or screaming. She does have silent reflux (rarely spits up) and arches her back a lot while screaming. She has been on Zantac and Prilosec and we are getting ready to try Prevacid solutabs. DD1 had silent reflux also, but a milder case and Zantac worked great. I would check with your pedi to see if they think it might be reflux.
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    Arching back after nursing indicates gas
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    kalette said:

    Silent reflux maybe? I don't have any experience but it sounds like what I have heard about it.


    Or possible foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. We went through a 4 day stretch of what you're describing and saw our LC, started block feeding--- now my sweet, mellow baby is back sleeping 4-5 hour stretches at night and not fussing during the day. How do her poops look? If not yellow and seedy I'd lean toward the imbalance. B's sometimes were greenish and he was struggling with gas/poops that nothing helped. Here is a link:

    Mrs. B's Ovulation Chart
    TTC Baby B since 10/2012
    BFP#1 12/27/12 II TWIN GIRLS II D&C 2/15/13 TRAP sequence

    Clomid + TI + Acupuncture x 2 cycles

    BFP#2 9/5/13 II EDD 5/16/14 II Beckett Ryan born May 10, 2014

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    I would talk to the pedi. My uneducated guess would be reflux. The constant fussiness is similar to what we dealt with when DS had MSPI before he was diagnosed.

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    Congrats to my GP Sister from another mister Bruinsbabe!!

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    Thanks everyone and going to get with the pedi.

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    My baby is doing the same thing right now. I made an appointment with her pedi when she goes back in for her hep b. The reason she probably likes being up rather than laying down is because it keeps the acid in her stomach down. Mine does the same thing. After every feed hold her on your chest for about 20 minutes, sitting up of course. See if she stops. If she fusses in between that time I would definitely say reflux. But make an appointment with your pedi

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    FYI if anyone is following this... I did see the pedi this morning and she said she def thought reflux so we are starting meds. She also suggested cutting major dairy. She said we would monitor and if those two don't improve her discomfort it's colic. She did check her ears and other vitals of course too. Lastly, I did take video of my baby during and after a feeding to show the pedi her behavior/discomfort/arching. I had a friend recommend to do that and the pedi said it was very helpful. Just a suggestion to any other moms. I don't think I would have thought to do that unless my friend had brought it up.

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    smdukes said:

    FYI if anyone is following this... I did see the pedi this morning and she said she def thought reflux so we are starting meds. She also suggested cutting major dairy. She said we would monitor and if those two don't improve her discomfort it's colic. She did check her ears and other vitals of course too. Lastly, I did take video of my baby during and after a feeding to show the pedi her behavior/discomfort/arching. I had a friend recommend to do that and the pedi said it was very helpful. Just a suggestion to any other moms. I don't think I would have thought to do that unless my friend had brought it up.

    Just so you know it can take 3+ weeks to see a difference from cutting dairy if that is the issue. Also, I have found a few things as substitutes that seem to be just as good as the real thing if you're interested. Actual milk is the only thing that I can't seem to replace. :(

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    Congrats to my GP Sister from another mister Bruinsbabe!!

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    This sounds like my daughter- she had colic.  Unfortunately the only thing that really helped was waiting until she outgrew it around 4 months. :(  But, she did eventually become a very happy baby.
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