May 2014 Moms

A must have for BFing!

I just had to share.

I've been using a Milkies Milk Saver with this round of BFing, and let me tell you, I don't know how I went without it last time.

It's basically a silicon cup that you put over the nipple of the breast you're not feeding from and it catches any milk that comes out. I collect between 0.5-1oz of milk each time LO nurses. No pumping required!

If you're BFing, I'd really recommend looking into getting one - you'd be amazed at how much milk you can save/store without having to pump. Definitely helps build up a stash for later use :-)
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Re: A must have for BFing!

  • HallilHallil member
    I have been considering these, how big of a pain are they to clean though? What about at night when I'm not running up and down stairs to wash/empty them?
  • Hallil said:

    I have been considering these, how big of a pain are they to clean though? What about at night when I'm not running up and down stairs to wash/empty them?

    They aren't a pain to clean, IMO. I just rinse it in hot water after each feeding and hand wash with hot soapy water in the morning (you could use soap every time if you wanted). I use a 2oz milk storage bottle to dump into and keep it on the fridge until I get 2-3oz and then transfer to a freezer bag.

    At night, I take a little cooler with ice packs upstairs and empty the milk into 2oz storage bottles and keep those in the cooler until morning. The ice packs keep them nice and cool. And I just rinse in hot water in the bathroom sink.
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  • HallilHallil member
    Hmmm...sounds like all my problems would be solved lol. I am leaking insane amounts this time around and it's such a waste!
  • Hallil said:

    Hmmm...sounds like all my problems would be solved lol. I am leaking insane amounts this time around and it's such a waste!

    Yeah with DD1, I was changing breast pads every feeding b/c they were saturated and half the time, my shirt was soaked too.

    I bought a single one..maybe $25...SO worth the money!
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  • I was trying to figure out a way to strap a bottle to the breast not being used. Thanks for the heads up as this solves that problem.

    T 2.12 | W 5.14

  • kalettekalette member
    Wouldn't you just be collecting fore milk from the other side or how do you deal with that?
  • kalette said:

    Wouldn't you just be collecting fore milk from the other side or how do you deal with that?

    Not 100% sure. I just know when one side lets down, so does the other. It just drips throughout the feeding.

    Seems like you'd get a small amount of both, but either way, I think it's worth saving.
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  • Can you get them in stores or just online? I'm soaking my shirts and have to cover myself in burp clothes. Poor LO gets wet too if I don't pad well enough.
  • Love mine! Easy to clean, only problem is sometimes I forget I have it on and I bend over and it all spils out! Always remember to put yours in the stand/case it comes with lol.
    I bought mine on amazon.
    Married 5/5/12 ~ Miscarried @ 6wks 7/1/13 ~ Has Pacemaker ~ Due May 7th
  • LeeLee86 said:

    Love mine! Easy to clean, only problem is sometimes I forget I have it on and I bend over and it all spils out! Always remember to put yours in the stand/case it comes with lol.
    I bought mine on amazon.

    @KellyQ116‌ - what LeeLee said. I got mine on Amazon. We have prime, so I got free shipping.

    And definitely don't forget to take out the cup before getting up! The baby swing and our couch have fallen victim to spilled milk
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  • I also have a set of these collector cups but mine are made by Avent and I bought them at Buy Buy Baby. I love them and can collect a ton of milk depending on when I feed and which side.

    I have also had the problem of bending over and spilling milk. Oh the joys of BFing!

    As for collecting foremilk, I generally try to add pumped milk to the bottle later to make sure it is a good mixture of both. I also use a cooler bag with ice packs to keep my bottles fresh overnight.

    I plan to buy these for friends in the future if they plan to BF because it really does save so much extra milk that would otherwise go into the nursing pads.
  • I LOVE my Milkies but I have spilled way too often as well! I add the milk I collect to the bottle after I'm done pumping to eliminate the foremilk issue (DS has T21 so I pump more than BF). I check measurements before I add it in and lately (at 4wks PP) I've been collecting 1-2oz at each pumping. I can't believe how much milk I'm saving! Totally worth the money!!
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  • YES YES YES. I didn't have one with my son and I CRIED the other day thinking about all the milk I wasted. I leak so much. I collected THREE ounces from my left boob the other day. That's a bottle by itself!!!! I kissed my Milkies Milk Saver, no joke. I love that thing. Just wish I had gotten it sooner.
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    DS - 2 years old
  • Does anyone know if these are one size fits all/most, or if they come in different sizes? I'm bigger breasted when I'm not bf'ing, so I'm afraid they would be too small.
  • Luckyu317 said:
    Does anyone know if these are one size fits all/most, or if they come in different sizes? I'm bigger breasted when I'm not bf'ing, so I'm afraid they would be too small.
    They are one size. It has a hole for your nipple to go in and the cup just sits up against your breast inside your bra.  I'm sure you'd be fine. It's not like you are walking around wearing it, so as long as your nipple fits in the hole, it should work :)
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