May 2014 Moms

Unexpected roadside delivery

We welcomed a healthy 6lb 13oz boy May 8th at 8:15pm. I woke up that morning with contractions and my husband and I debated about if he should go to work or stay home. By the time it was time for him to leave my contractions had slowed down and were 15-20 min apart so I told him to go and I would keep him updated. They spaced out even more throughout the day and I was only having an occasional contraction so I figured it was false labor. My husband got home at 5:30 and his dad came over at 6:00 so we could install the extra car seat for our other son in his car in case I were to go into labor overnight. When he left at 6:30 my contractions picked up and were more intense. I had 5 or so that were 10 min apart and then BAM...they were 2 min apart. We packed up the car and my son and headed out the door at 7:45. We dropped of our son real quick at 7:55 and were on our way to the hospital. Ten minutes later I told my husband that I didn't we would make it to the hospital. At that time we were probably 15 minutes away. He dialed 911 and we eventually pulled over and with one push my water broke and son was born. The cord was around his neck, but we were able to get it unwrapped and we heard his cries. We dried him off with a shirt and my husband used his shoelace to tie off the cord. A few minutes later the paramedics arrived. It happened so fast! My husband was completely calm the entire time. I still can't believe I gave birth on the side of the road in my car!! Both of us are doing well and he is eating like a champ.
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Re: Unexpected roadside delivery

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