Birth Stories

Birth Stories

My daughter was due April 6th of 2008 and by april 15th my doc was talking about inducing because she still wasn't here. I am a musician, french horn, and there was a big concert on April 22nd in which I had several solos so I requested that we hold of and my doc obliged. Concert day arrived and the director had a fellow horn player waiting in the wings with copies of my music just in case, there were also 3 people who left their cars running just in case (a bit extreme if you ask me but sweet). I played my concert with no problem and went to the hospital right after. At 10pm they hooked me up and started Pitocin and I went to sleep watching Fresh Prince (ended up dreaming the Carlton, the character, was the father of my child). At 8 am on the 23rd I woke up and buzzed the nurse to tell her I thought something was happening and sure enough it was. By 10am I started pushing and by 10:30am my daughter had arrived.

After such an easy first birth I was certain that my second would be trouble. Who can get that lucky twice? Well, due date was May 29th and then got changed to June 6th and then changed again to June 18th (still in the dark about why it was changed because I went in for an ultrasound on June 20th to make sure my son was positioned correctly and the ultrasound tech said in her opinion he should have come out weeks prior). I was scheduled to be induced on June 27th. On June 26th I went on a MAJOR cleaning spree and felt some light cramping early in the day. When my husband came home from work at 5pm I knew I was in labor but it wasn't bad, we went to visit his grandma and on the way called my dad and I said "hey just so you know I may be in labor" , he was 3 hours away and everyone else was 30 min away at most. My dad called my husband and made him take me to the hospital. The admitted me at 7pm and I continued laboring with no hitch. I asked for pain meds and were told that because I was the 18th birth that day they were out so I caved and got an epi (BIG mistake). At midnight I began pushing, two pushes and 15 min later my son arrived. They gave him to me right after his cord was cut and after about a minute I asked why he was blue. Scariest 5 min of my life they pulled him away from me and sucked some fluids he must have swallowed during birth out of him. He was 100% fine but it was super scary to not be sure of what was going on. So baby #2, aside from the spinal headache that resulted from the epi, was just as easy as #1.

I am already prepared for the fact that #3 won't be that easy. I have to pay my dues sometime right? I hear all of these stories about long labors and complications and am super grateful I haven't had to deal with that. My heart goes out to those that have.

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