December 2014 Moms

Intro...EDD 12/17

Hi all!! Wanted to introduce myself and "Spike"...our bean. (No Mother just started the Spike thing). I'm Karen. I'm 39, but I'll be 40 when I deliver and I'm a first time mom to be. I went off the pill way back in 2010 and the hubs and I have been trying ever since. We had a fertility consult in December and were ready to move forward with IUI this month when BINGO! We somehow got preggo on our own! I'm feeling good, probably bc I'm so early...just 5 weeks 4 days but I'm super excited and fully obsessed with learning everything I can to be the best Mom I can be! I'm happy to meet you all and looking forward to a healthy nine months together!

Re: Intro...EDD 12/17

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