One & Done: Only child

Babies (warning not for the TTC, may push the fence sitters lol)

OMG my BIL and SIL are visiting with their baby and the crying. Holy hell. Someone should feed him or Hope I don't sound mean. I love kids but I'm not a baby person. So no twinges here and the mere thought of having to do that again....shudder.

Re: Babies (warning not for the TTC, may push the fence sitters lol)

  • I'm a fence sitter and I am also *not* a baby person.
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  • Lol every time my friends say you want to hold the baby. I'm like sure then give them back quick when they get fussy.
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  • I don't mind when other babies cry, DD was a crier but I definitely don't get twinges. No baby fever here, still on the fence though.
  • Absolutely no baby fever here..... I am absolutely losing my mind being at my parents house and trying to remind them to be quiet so LO can nap. They can grasp the concept of being quiet. I have asked nicely maybe a thousand times.... I give up.

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