
Just another day with twins? Right?

So the day itself was pretty normal.  Went to a play date with my MoMs group, went to the mall and played in the play area and then came home to have dinner and play some more.  The life of toddlers.  lol twins are 21 months.  DD is starting to go into the "challenge" stage.  She does everything I tell her not to do.  DS is a mama's boy.  Though he does a few things he knows he shouldn't, all in all he's my good one.
Tonight, bath time was interesting.  I bathe them at the same time.  They are free range bathers, meaning they are able to stand in there on their own.  They usually just sit on their own and splash themselves and each other.  Today was no different....until...  I took DS out of the tub to dry him and get him dressed.  Usually DD just keeps playing and talking to me about whatever she is doing.  (My tub is right next to my room and my bed is maybe 7 feet from the tub).  While I am dressing the first one out, I always turn around to make sure all is ok with the other.  Tonight I turned around to DD standing next to my night stand, naked, and going for my stuffed bunny.  She takes said bunny and goes back into the tub with her.  I got to her and took the bunny before she could destroy it.  I was done with DS when I did this so I asked if she was going to get out of the tub.  She puts her arms up to pick her up like I didn't just watch her get herself back in the tub!  Faker!  She's such a little stinker!
So then I am drying and dressing her and DS decides to climb my bed so he can jump up and down while I am wrestling DD to get her diaper and pjs on.  

All of this was a first.  Bath time is generally very uninteresting.  They are both very good and wait for me to get them and don't fight me when they get dressed.  I don't know what happened today.

This is normal, right?  lol  Please tell me I'm not the only one this has happened to.
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