January 2014 Moms

AW: So it looks like I'm pregnant

Well. I have had one period since LO was born, it started on St. Patrick's Day (cruel joke, considering I am now going to have Irish twins?).

DH and I have had sex about four times (five maybe?) since LO was born.

And I am pregnant. Holy freaking crap. I mean, I can't feign shock since we didn't use protection. I just assumed, poorly, that the fact that we had sporadic sex and it took 15 months to get pregnant the first time that this wouldn't be an issue for maybe a few months? I did want babies close together because I am 35 this September. But holy moly--two babies in one calendar year. LO was born January 7, and if it sticks the next one will come December 22.

Holy shit.

The two tests, for those interested (the lines are super faint, so I am indeed cautious, but my gut tells me it's going to stick):


TWO Babies in 2014!
DS #1 Born 01/07/2014, DS #2 Born 12/17/2014




Re: AW: So it looks like I'm pregnant

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