Potty Training

Started Potty Training - need moral support!

TX08AggieTX08Aggie member
edited March 2014 in Potty Training
So, DD1 has been telling me when she needs a diaper change for a few months.  I waited to start potty training until today because I just couldn't keep up with her during my last trimester.  So, this morning, we decided to give it a go.  She has her potty chair that she likes to sit on, she's running around in a Houston Texan cheerleader dress and no diaper.  She's been drinking lots of juice (which she loves!).  Ready to start learning to use the potty!

However, the first time she peed - she startled herself and stood up.  Half went in the potty chair, half on the floor.  That's ok, I praised her and made such a fuss over her for pottying in her chair!  Then, I got a towel and cleaned up the rest.  Well, she would not sit on her chair after that.  She kept peeing on the floor, which is fine, but stressed her.  I'd come with the towel and clean it up.  Sometimes she'd run and get it to clean up the pee before I could get over to it.  This lasted about 20 minutes.

Now, every time she pees - every single time - she gets really stressed and cries.  She wanted her diaper back, so I put it on her to give her a break.  Still cries... every single time she pees.  She runs up to me, points to her diaper or grabs it and says "I pooped!" - which means she peed.  She points at her belly when she poops and runs to the changing table.  I have changed her diaper 3 times in the last 5 minutes.

So, what we have accomplished - she knows when she pees - every single time.  Now, I know when she pees - every single time.  Any suggestions for how to get her to relax about the potty?  She hates diaper changes... absolutely hates them and fights with us so much over them.

As a distraction - we painted her toes for the first time!

Re: Started Potty Training - need moral support!

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    This may sound odd but does she go into the bathroom and watch you when you go? We have an open door policy for this reason & when our girls turned 1 DH was forced to pee sitting down. Im not sure how old she is, Im on my phone, but being day 1 I would stick with it and praise her. Also when I PT my 3 kids I never did juice or loaded them down with liquids I just did whatever they were use to. I did it for several reasons my kids were 15-17 months old so too young for juice but more importantly I didn't want to frustrate them by basically causing them to pee more then they normally would then they would think that they're spending way too much time running to the bathroom. Since your DD appears to be freaked out I'd lay off the juice.
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    i have heard  good things about carwyn turbo potty training.
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