February 2014 Moms

Baby Acne or allergy?

At first I was thinking baby acne for sure, but now his neck is pretty broken out.
Dr.google has mixed answers so I thought I'd just ask you girls opinions.
The pics make it look worse.
If you have an opinion either way and have a suggestion to clear it up I'd love to hear.


Re: Baby Acne or allergy?

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    I think it's baby acne. My DD has a similar rash going on and I took her to the doctors yesterday for fear that it was something worst like an allergic reaction. It's in the same spots as your baby's too... Face, neck and even the ears on my baby. The doctor prescribed her a topical cream.
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    Really? A cream? What kind?

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    It's called EpiCeram but he said I could use aquaphor or cetaphil as well.
    I'm a sinner saved by grace and a child of the Attitude Era (Oh you didn't know?!?)
    #OurBoyD-Bryan #TeamCrossRhodes #KnowYourRoll #ShutYourMouth 
    DD#1: 9/3/2004 Noelle Catherine
    DD#2: 1/26/2014 Faith Preston
    DC(dear cat?? lol): 6/5/2009 Shane Fitzgerald Kennedy
    I married my best friend <3 DH is my knight in shining armor! 

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    Here is her neck. It started small on the side of her face and just spread all over which put me on alert
    I'm a sinner saved by grace and a child of the Attitude Era (Oh you didn't know?!?)
    #OurBoyD-Bryan #TeamCrossRhodes #KnowYourRoll #ShutYourMouth 
    DD#1: 9/3/2004 Noelle Catherine
    DD#2: 1/26/2014 Faith Preston
    DC(dear cat?? lol): 6/5/2009 Shane Fitzgerald Kennedy
    I married my best friend <3 DH is my knight in shining armor! 

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    We are dealing with the same thing. I thought a reaction to maybe the formula but the doctor said it would be all over his body. Its on his face, ears, and neck. Doctor told me to use eucerin body and shampoo wash. We are just keeping an eye on it. Good luck! Btw he's adorable!!!
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    So I haven't posted on F14 since summer because of a new job and little time. I have been read up on how things are since being on leave. So sorry if this seems like a random reply from a stranger.

    My DD has the same thing or what looks like the same thing. She started with a nasty case of cradle cap a week or so ago and her face and neck have broke out since. I took her to the dr yesterday. Dr said it is dermatitis. We are doing 1% hydrocortisone twice a day with aquaphor on top. After one day it looks so much better. Dr said it could take a few weeks for it to clear up.

    Hope this helps.
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    Actually, I am thinking this may be an allergic reaction or something else too. It's the redness around the bumps on the back of the neck that makes me think that. I do think I'd call the pedi tomorrow. Do they have a nurse line you can just leave a message and maybe email these pics and see if they think its worth a trip in? Mine will do this occasionally... particularly with the newborns b/c they don't want them coming in more than they have to and being exposed to more germs!






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    Just got back from the pedi. They said ds' s is eczema. Prescribed a cream for it.
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