Virginia Babies

Norfolk/ Virginia Beach VBAC friendly OBs/CNMs?


My husband and I are wanting to try for baby #2 within the next year and I was hoping I could get come recommendations for an OB or CNM that accepts Tricare and is open to me having a VBAC. My previous OB said I am a good candidate because I progressed as I should, but my daughter was transverse and not coming out the 'rabbit hole' as she put it. haha! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!

Mrs. Jaynes

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Re: Norfolk/ Virginia Beach VBAC friendly OBs/CNMs?

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    I recently had my daughter at DePaul . This was my first delivery and natural child birth. This is the most amazing practice. Dr. Golpira is my OB but a MW delivered my baby. They do have the lowest CS in the area and only pursue interventions when necessary. I highly recommend their practice. They do what is most safe for you and the baby. If you want a NB great, if not they support that too. They do highly favor vaginal births as long as there is no complications. A friend of mine is delivering in the midwifery center and has tricare but not sure if she has prime. The office staff is great! I think you would enjoy them.
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