1st Trimester

Positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks? What's going on?

I'm confused.  We are TTC.  I removed my implanon in October, had no period until December (after I started taking Vitex to help it along).  I didn't really have a period when i should have in January then bled for a few days and then an ovulation kit told me I was ovulating on Jan. 14.  My partner and I had sex... and now, six days later, I have several positive pregnancy tests.

I am way confused.  What's going on with my body?  It's not possible that we conceived on Jan 14 and i already have a positive pregnancy test (is it?)... and if not, why would i have gotten a positive ovulation test on Jan 14?

Here's the timeline:
October 21:  Removed implanon
October 21-December 5:   No period, started taking vitex
Dec 5-13:  Period
Jan 7-9:  Light spotting
Jan 6-9:  Possible conception date?
Jan 9-11:  Heavy bleeding
Jan 10-13:  Negative pregnancy test
Jan 13-14:  Positive ovulation test
Jan 14:  Possible conception date?
Jan 20:  Several positive pregnancy tests

Re: Positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks? What's going on?

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    For what it's worth... here's what the 3rd positive pregnancy test I took this morning looked like.  Not really a lot of doubt there...image
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    Thanks, Joy.  Do you know if there's any way to figure out when I actually ovulated?  I have an appt with the doc on Wednesday... but I'm starting to drive myself crazy worrying if i may have inadvertently done anything to my body that might have harmed the babe during those weeks where I didn't realize i was preggers.   
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    Ha!  Thanks, MsSparkle!  I actually laughed out loud a bit at the "crack" part... my co-worker probably thinks I'm insane.  Nah-- just wine and an anti-malarial med, malarone, i had to take while traveling (which hasn't been linked to birth defects... but hasn't been ruled out).  Google is the worst.  Basically everything I read says that these first few weeks are the most delicate and so any Rx could have the biggest impact on the babe now.  Clearly I need to chill out on this anxiety bit or this is gonna be a LONG 39 weeks!
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