September 2013 Moms

Pantless is the clear winner!

Violet1372Violet1372 member
edited January 2014 in September 2013 Moms
Okay, So it seems that pantless will be our BMB GIF. Please vote on which pantless GIF you like best!
I will post the GIFs in a comment below.

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary 

Pantless is the clear winner! 86 votes

13% 12 votes
34% 30 votes
16% 14 votes
12% 11 votes
17% 15 votes
SS: I have found a mind blowing amazing pantless GIF and think it should win
1% 1 vote
I am still creepin' on you amazing S13 girls and need to know which GIF you are picking
3% 3 votes

Re: Pantless is the clear winner!

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