1st Trimester

Embarrassing morning sickness stories?

amandaroseroeamandaroseroe member
edited November 2013 in 1st Trimester
I have one!! Luckily I was home!!! I felt really sick right away (seriously, as soon as I opened my eyes)- so sick that I had to run to the bathroom. Well, I didn't make it. I got to the bedroom door and as soon as I opened it I vomited the only thing in me- stomach acid- all over the place. I continued running  (yes, while vomiting- so gross!) and made it to a trash can where I continued to hurl. In the meantime I lost control of my bladder and peed my pants. Yes, I peed. But, I was wearing these little pajama shorts and the pee came down my legs and got EVERYWHERE. So now, I am standing in my own pee and vomit. Awesome start to the day, Luckily, my husband is amazing and didn't complain at all as he cleaned up after me. But, oh my goodness. What if that happened an hour later while I was at work?!? 
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Re: Embarrassing morning sickness stories?

  • I just decided to inform my husband we are switching sides of the bed for the time being......... He only has to make a 3 foot trip to the bathroom from that side!
    I would say you are quite lucky!
  • Wow, very lucky indeed that you were home!

    I was at work two weeks ago and had not told anyone about my pregnancy (I'm only 8 weeks along) and I was driving a group of guests to a local area for a hiking excursion when I suddenly had to throw up. I pulled over and puked a tiny bit of water and no one said a word, like it was totally normal behavior. I just apologized and we continued. Once we started the hike I proceeded to puke my way through a 5 mile trail, as if I were Gretel leaving a trail of partially digested bread crumbs. 

    I could tell my guests were concerned. Why is their hiking guide throwing up intermittently? Why does she act like it's no big deal? Finally I just let the cat out of the bag and told them I was 6 weeks pregnant. 
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  • I had a moment last week where i watching tv with DH and choked on my prenatal. I tried getting it down with water, but my oesophagus had other ideas and i ended up running to the bathroom leaving a trail of pukey cold water behind me. We live in an apartment and the bathroom is right next to the living room but i didn't have time to close the door, so DH had to listen to me explode everywhere, while shouting "sorry!" between hurls. Not my finest hour. 



    09/23/11 - Married DH

    04/01/13 - BFP at 4wks

    05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d

    08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d

    09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!  

    10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!

    12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!

    05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!

  • I was leaving work on my way to pick DD from school. Right before turning in the school, i felt the urge to throw up. I am on a 2 lane road with no where to pull over, grabbed the closest thing and it was DD halloween bucket with her trick or treat candy, hurled all in the bucket, and some on my pants. Telling your 3 year old you threw her candy away, was worse than smelling like vomit going into school.. Needless to say, we keep buckets in the car, just incase. :)

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  • I puked at work this morning, first time, and of course a high-up office visitor happened to come in right in the middle of my heaving.  We met over the sink while I was brushing my teeth and she was washing her hands (kudos to be able to pee while listening to my retching).  She was really nice about it but I felt so embarassed.  Ugh.

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • Not my own story, this happened to a colleague. When she was pregnant several years ago, she was in the middle of teaching a lesson when she had to throw up. She tried to make a run for the garbage bin. Unfortunately, a student walked over to the bin at the same time to throw something out and she puked on him. She said it was horribly embarrassing and all over the school by the end of the day. That's how her news came out.

    I'm a teacher too and this has been one of the things I've dreaded most.
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  • I'm 13 weeks and haven't had a speck of sickness or nausea. Until Sunday, when I started to feel ill while on a plane. We were on approach, it was a bit windy but not nearly as bad as the wind experienced on my Fridy flight. Anyway, my mouth started to water excessively as it does when I'm about to throw. I took out the barf bag (so glad one was there!), opened it up, and waited. My seatmate told me to take a deep breath, asked if I fly often. I told him not too often but it was the first time while pg and I've never been sick from flying before. Finally I threw, just once. I wasn't loud but I know the people across the aisle heard me. As soon as we pulled to the gate, I got up to get rid of the bag. When I came back, my seatmate had pulled out my carry-on for me.

    By the time I got off the plane and in the terminal, I was hungry again. For French fries. I was good and got chicken soup and a plain bagel. But I really wanted French fries LOL!

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • @KaylanRichard, that's just about my story! I was in the car coming back from taking DD trick or treating at DH's work. I had to puke so grabbed the Halloween bucket. Luckily I was able to dump the candy out first though! And of course I had my head in a pumpkin bucket in a line of stopped traffic and a 45 minute ride home ahead of me to hold a bucket of puke.
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  • These stories are awesome!,Today I was driving home from my 2nd prenatal appointment when all of a sudden I felt horrible. I didn't have anytime to react... I threw up all over myself. So I pulled over into a parking lot and grabbed that empty Iced Venti Starbucks cup that was chillin in my cup holder. I kept vomiting in that cup for what felt like ages. I look next to me and see a guy watching me from the car over eating a burger. It was awkward...
    image BabyFruit Ticker
  • note to self;
    carry trash bags with me at every moment. 

    Im sorry this happened to ya 
    oh the joys of parenthood. 
    Elijah James Due July 14
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • please forgive me ladies but i can help but laugh  
    I do feel for ya tho Ive had many experiences similar with my first pregnancy. i'm just waiting for the day it hits me again. I wont be laughing anymore ;( lol 
    Elijah James Due July 14
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I am a waitress and while at work during rush hours I felt the urge to throw up. since normally all I do is dry heave I triedto ignore it. well that didn't work so well. I had to run to the bathroom, and quickly get in a stall. I started dry heaving right away. ununfortunately there was a lady in the stall next to me. she heard me and asked if I was ok. in between gags I told her yes. she then asked was I sure. in between another horrible heave I had to let her know I was pregnant. the rest of the time I was in there making such horrid noises she stayed and kept repeating "oh ok". when I was done she was STILL IN THE BATHROOM!!!!! She had finished washing her hands a while ago mind you. so I straightened myself up and went back out to work. unfortunately, she was in a place where she had plane view of me and kept watch over me untilshe left
  • edited November 2013
    One of my students is my neighbor and I see him when I walk the dogs.  I was puking in the bushes when he came outside on Wednesday.  That was cute....

    My other good one was on the way to a half marathon when I was throwing up every few feet and then had to puke again during the race.  I felt sooo bad for my friends.
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  • I was looking after a palliative patient and all of a sudden needed to vomit. I couldn't make it anywhere so had to use the patients toilet with all of her family comforting me. I felt so guilty. Comforting a vomiting pregnant woman was the last thing they needed.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I freaking love these stories!! :)

    The only time I threw up while pg was when we were on vacation with my boss. He was driving us down the PCH in California and I got soooo carsick in the back seat. I didn't have the heart to tell him and my coworkers I needed to throw up so I made an excuse to get him to pull over and watch some surfers and another excuse to stay back at the car for a minute, then barfed as all the cars went by. That was one awkward car ride....
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