Babies: 6 - 9 Months

7.5 month old waking up multiple times a night

My almost 8 month old son has been waking up 3 or 4 times a night screaming hysterically.. When I go into his room he's sitting up.. I don't think he is hungry because he seems to eat plenty during the day. He just started doing this about 3 weeks ago.. He falls back asleep if I cuddle him and feed him. I don't understand why he's doing this all of a sudden. I am exhausted I don't get more than 4 hours of sleep if I'm lucky. Anyone else going through this at this age? Any ideas on why this could be happening

Re: 7.5 month old waking up multiple times a night

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    I've always been going through this. My 7.5 month old wakes anywhere from 2-4 times throughout the night. I nurse him back to sleep within min every time. I'm pretty sure its because he wants me. My pedi told me to stop giving him what he wants and he will fall back to sleep on his own. I just haven't been able to let him cry it out. When he's really fussy I assume he's getting a tooth but still no teeth. Sleep is for the birds I guess. Good luck!
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    I believe there is a sleep regression around this time
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    There are a bunch of us on the jan 13 board that were/are going through this. sorta popped up out of nowhere. Hang in there, hopefully it will pass soon.
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    Just want to say you're not alone. DS started out a pretty good sleeper and has progressively gotten worse. In the first few months he'd go a 5-6 hour stretch at night. At around four months he went to a 4-5 hour stretch, waking a few times. At around 7-8 months he decreased to about a 3-4 hour stretch. Now at almost 9 months he wakes about six times a night, and usually only goes a max of 2-3 hours at once. I'm really hoping it's a phase that starts to get better soon!
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    I think this is the time nightmares can emerge as well...
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    They've got A LOT going on right now.  My DD has been getting up several times per night lately, too.  She sleeps with us, so it's not that bad, and she goes back to sleep quickly.  In the past month, she's started crawling, pulling up, got a tooth, and had a cold.  That's a lot for her little mind to deal with, so the waking up is understandable.  This too shall pass.  Hang in there!
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    This is us former 12 hour sleeper is now up at least once every night, usually more.  I have been reading the No Cry Sleep Solution, and trying some of the techniques, but no real luck with eliminating the wake ups.  I usually just end up bringing her to bed with us after the first one, and am just patiently waiting for this phase to end......
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    Teething. They are more aware of the pain at night (less distractions).
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