April 2014 Moms

TP (throat punch) Monday Edition.

I just couldn't help but start a TP thread. This morning had a crappy start. After coming out of Starbucks, I see that the douche parked beside me is, no word of a lie) 6 inches from my drivers side. I had to crawl across my front seat to get to the other side, and back up like an old lady (my side mirror almost scratching his truck). I should have written a note, but I was so angry that I thought if he came out while I was still there, I might just punch him instead. 

Grrr. I need one of these...


or better yet....

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

#1 BFP 26/May/2013 EDD 27/Jan/2014 MC at 5 weeks, 2 days 
#2 BFP 04/Aug/2013 EDD April 18th, 2014. Baby M born May 2, 2014.


Re: TP (throat punch) Monday Edition.

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    Ohh you're in troubleee...

    image  mean_girls_35345

    DD1- 2009, M/C- 2011, M/C- 2012, DD2- 2012, DD3- 2014

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    TP to food commercials on TV. They make everything look oh so good, I want ALL of it!

    image  mean_girls_35345

    DD1- 2009, M/C- 2011, M/C- 2012, DD2- 2012, DD3- 2014

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    TP to my career!!!! Why am I a teacher?? I've concluded that less than a quarter of my students actually have manners. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
    It's a BOY!!! Can't wait to meet Miles Garrett! 

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    @jgreig83 said: I just couldn't help but start a TP thread. This morning had a crappy start. After coming out of Starbucks, I see that the douche parked beside me is, no word of a lie) 6 inches from my drivers side. I had to crawl across my front seat to get to the other side, and back up like an old lady (my side mirror almost scratching his truck). I should have written a note, but I was so angry that I thought if he came out while I was still there, I might just punch him instead.


    You're way too nice, I would have keyed his car on the side that was up against my car.
    I actually have done that before to a guy who did it while I was still in my car! He even looked at me and walked off.
    It's their own damn fault for parking like that.

    image  mean_girls_35345

    DD1- 2009, M/C- 2011, M/C- 2012, DD2- 2012, DD3- 2014

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    TP to my career!!!! Why am I a teacher?? I've concluded that less than a quarter of my students actually have manners. 

    I feel you. High School kids are mean sometimes. For example, "Uhh, miss? When will you be getting fat? I want to prepare myself..."
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    @kwolslager: I thought about that, but I work at a medical office across the road, and the thought of that person then walking in for an appointment made me think twice. 

    @mrscrcalli: I didn't realize that a TP thread actually belonged to someone! My bad for stepping on @serenia 's toes, but it was unintentional.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    #1 BFP 26/May/2013 EDD 27/Jan/2014 MC at 5 weeks, 2 days 
    #2 BFP 04/Aug/2013 EDD April 18th, 2014. Baby M born May 2, 2014.

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    jgreig83 ummm LOVE that idea!!! genius!
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    if @Serenla isn't posting then neither am I! *pouty face* don't worry you're still wanted..





    PS OP we are totally FINE with you starting this it doenst "BELONG" to anyone even if one person typically starts it... we are just making fun of previous drama from other boards.



    TP to my boss who is out of the office today and tomorrow and o make sure we were busy gave us a bunch of crap that doenst need to be done to do.

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    BFP#2 7/28/13 EDD 4/9/14 Birthday : 4/10/14 Adalyn Nanette :)
    BFP#1 6/29/12 LTMC 10/20/12 (20 weeks) induced delivery 10/22/12
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    It's been such a busy Monday for A14 that @serenla's post was pushed all the way to the bottom of page 2! But she had started it: 

    I thought I had seen it this morning but I guess we all just missed it! Anyways, just wanted to avoid confusion with two posts but since no one has commented on that one yet I think we're safe ;) 
     BabyFruit Ticker
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    jgreig83 said:

    @kwolslager: I thought about that, but I work at a medical office across the road, and the thought of that person then walking in for an appointment made me think twice. 

    @mrscrcalli: I didn't realize that a TP thread actually belonged to someone! My bad for stepping on @serenia 's toes, but it was unintentional.
    I'm totally kidding babe'm it based on a different thread from a board that had threads owned my certain people.

    September Siggy Challenge: What I Sing in the Shower: Little Mermaid "Part Of That World"image

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    OK....now I get it. And I also now see the TP thread. There is just far too much activity on here lately. 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    #1 BFP 26/May/2013 EDD 27/Jan/2014 MC at 5 weeks, 2 days 
    #2 BFP 04/Aug/2013 EDD April 18th, 2014. Baby M born May 2, 2014.

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    AprilMay9 said:
    TP humblebrags about "I'm so worried I have only gained 2 lbs so far"  Actually tp any thread about weight gain/loss. Sorry this more likely belongs in fffc or ou.
    I agree, but I want to extend it to ALL repetitive, worry wort threads. "GUYS, I'm 14 weeks and my m/s is gone! I'm scared!"
    the office (945) Animated Gif on Giphy
    YES! I agree. One more reason to be happy I am no longer on the 1st Tri board any more. That board was full of that kind of stuff! Enjoy not gaining weight, your ass will soon look like this.


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    #1 BFP 26/May/2013 EDD 27/Jan/2014 MC at 5 weeks, 2 days 
    #2 BFP 04/Aug/2013 EDD April 18th, 2014. Baby M born May 2, 2014.

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    kwolslagerkwolslager member
    edited October 2013

    HA! I laughed so loudly at this! I can't stand the "we only have $$$$ for the nursery budget, what should I spend it on?"
    I mean, good for you, but I wish I had hundreds/thousands to just throw down on a luxurious nursery that will always be perfectly clean and organized.
    I've got two kids sharing a small bedroom and in 6 months, ill get the wonderful experience of playing Tetris with beds and dressers.
    Yay for me!

    image  mean_girls_35345

    DD1- 2009, M/C- 2011, M/C- 2012, DD2- 2012, DD3- 2014

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    TP to being hungry an hour after lunch :/

    Oh, saw a commercial for popcorn.... Brb

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    AprilMay9 said:
    TP humblebrags about "I'm so worried I have only gained 2 lbs so far"  Actually tp any thread about weight gain/loss. Sorry this more likely belongs in fffc or ou.
    I agree, but I want to extend it to ALL repetitive, worry wort threads. "GUYS, I'm 14 weeks and my m/s is gone! I'm scared!"
    the office (945) Animated Gif on Giphy
    HA! I laughed so loudly at this! I can't stand the "we only have $$$$ for the nursery budget, what should I spend it on?" I mean, good for you, but I wish I had hundreds/thousands to just throw down on a luxurious nursery that will always be perfectly clean and organized. I've got two kids sharing a small bedroom and in 6 months, ill get the wonderful experience of playing Tetris with beds and dressers. Yay for me!
    I blame Pinterest. It was the same when I was on Theknot too.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    #1 BFP 26/May/2013 EDD 27/Jan/2014 MC at 5 weeks, 2 days 
    #2 BFP 04/Aug/2013 EDD April 18th, 2014. Baby M born May 2, 2014.

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    SerenlaSerenla member
    edited October 2013
    @kwolslager it's like spending 5k on a baby shower ;)

    Eta, it's just going to be the nursery posts in general. We are going to get hit with a lot of drivebys.

    mean_girls_35345Image and video hosting by TinyPic         PAL Sep challenge George Takei image
    Started dating in 5/9/05, Married 6/25/11
    Started TTC Feb 2013, BFP #1 3/4/13 EDD 11/10/13. MMC 4/9/13 D&C 4/22/13.
    BFP #2 7/17/13, EDD 3/29/14 ended in a CP on 7/22/13.
    BFP#3 8/19/13 EDD 5/3/14 Nerdling was born 4/29/14, welcome little one!
     All AL welcome.

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