Birth Stories

Our baby girl's (fast) birth story:)

edited August 2013 in Birth Stories
This entire pregnancy I thought our baby girl would come in July even though I have an August due date. I was feeling kind of blah (but happy she was cooking and doing well!) when the 31st of July came and went. Well, at 12:01am August 1st I woke up to a tight BH contraction and some fluid. It wasn't a lot of fluid so I went back to bed but about 20 minutes later I had another tight BH and MORE fluid. I never heard a pop or anything, but I felt like I sprung a leak so we called the doctor who told us to head to the hospital. 

In the time it took to shower quickly and finish our hospital bags, my contractions became 5 minutes apart. Still just tight BH, no back pain and no pressure. We arrived at the hospital at 1:30am. They checked me into triage. I was 2cm and 70% effaced. I definitely was leaking AF. My contractions really kicked up a level here. No back pain, no period like cramps...but this awful burning/ripping sensation right under my belly button. I was not getting any reprieve from them, It was like watching the treadmill settings at the gym for the hill runs. The contraction monitor just kept showing them getting higher and higher without them stopping. I was getting lightheaded and my BP really skyrocketed. I originally wanted a natural birth but opted for an epi. It was a just what I needed, where they still let me move and I could feel the time to push, etc. I am sad we didn't do our natural birth, but it was right for us and our labor. My doctor/nurses were awesome and encouraging and didn't even mention the epi, but supported me when I asked if that could be an option. 

So, from 12-4:30 I labored naturally. Got the epi around 4:30. By 5:30am I was 10cm and fully effaced. I felt the urge to push by 6am, and our little girl arrived at 6:41am. I felt everything in the pushing stage. The ring of fire is no joke. I got really scared at one point when the nurse said "look at the head of hair!" and I asked if her head was out already...and she responded "about this much" and showed about an inch. I almost lost it. I was so scared I wouldn't be able to do it...or she would get stuck. Then my natural instincts just took over. I yelled deep and low- louder than I ever have...and she came out beautifully. I was able to pull her up on my belly. We nursed right away for almost 2 hours. I did have a "minor" 2nd degree tear. Her beautiful eyes are open and alert. She is absolutely perfect. We spent 24 hours in the hospital and came home yesterday. We named her Genevieve (second one on the board!) after my grandmother. She was 8 pounds, 8 Ounces. 21 inches long. 

Some things I always found interesting reading in other stories:
I ate lots of pineapple, bounced on balls and practiced a lot of yoga prior to my water breaking. 
I never felt my contractions like period cramps or back labor. Just a tight burning across my belly. 
I felt totally normal the day before birth. Though, my LO had slowed in movement quite a bit. 
I lost my mp in pieces the day before and day of labor. BS didn't show until I was in triage. 
I didn't hear a pop when my water broke, just a trickle leak. 
I am so glad I didn't have a strict birth plan as nothing I thought I'd want, worked. None of the yoga positions, the music, massage, etc worked. I was actually most comfortable on my back, or on all fours. I wanted no one to touch me, just wanted a cold wash cloth. 
When they check your uterus contracting after delivery, it hurts.
My belly size has gone down immensely since delivery. Day after delivery I looked 6 months pregnant. 2 days later, I maybe look 3 months pregnant? It's crazy!
Boppys are SIT on after delivery. 

It was the most terrifying, exciting, moving experience in my DH and I's life. I am so excited to continue to read more stories! 
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